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<br />Community First - Courage, Grit, and Duty - Driven by Excellence <br /> <br /> Page 12 <br />This produced input documents that assessed the perspectives of just over 100 stakeholders that <br />provided their input on the Prescott Fire Department today and how the organization could evolve in <br />the future. Two additional activities were then conducted to review the input work as follows: <br />• The PFD Leadership Workshop was conducted on Monday, June 27, in person at the <br />Prescott Centennial Center. 12 leadership team members provided their input via a blend of <br />the Advanced Strategy Lab platform and open discussion to develop the recommendations <br />on Mission, Vision, and Values and organizational identity. <br /> <br />• Based on the Workshop input, revised Mission, Values, and Values statements and <br />organizational identity attributes were then made available to the PFD internal stakeholders <br />for their review and comment as a ‘validation survey.’ 20 internal team members <br />completed the ‘validation survey’. <br />This resulted in the establishment of a fully updated Mission, Vision, and Values and organizational <br />identity. This was established through two engagements of the PFD Senior Leadership Team analyzing <br />the feedback of the stakeholders during this phase of the process. <br />Development of a Strategic Business Plan <br />Once this work was completed, the focus shifted to performing a performance-based assessment of the <br />organization. Managing Results, LLC was used for three separate on-site engagements that did an in- <br />depth environmental scan to assess strategic issues, identifying the services delivered by the <br />department and organizing these into program areas, and finally develop strategic results that <br />connected to the department’s annual budget allocation. <br />During this phase of the process, the stakeholder <br />model expanded by reaching further down the <br />organizational structure of internal and external <br />stakeholders to establish 15 distinct strategic <br />programs with relevant measures established by <br />subject matter experts in each area. <br />This work concluded in December of 2022 capping <br />off a progressively detailed 6-month planning <br />process. What follows is the culmination of these <br />phases, which inform the organization's future <br />direction. Prescott Fire Department members have <br />committed time, effort, energy, and frank honesty to develop this plan. However, its success depends <br />entirely on the follow-through by all organization members to achieve the stated outcomes listed herein <br />and live up to the mission, vision, and values. <br />An organization that knows where it is going knows the environment in which it must operate and <br />identifies how to get there has the best chance to meet the needs of its community and achieve its <br />vision. In addition, this planning process has served to refresh the organization’s continuing <br />commitment to professionalism and set the path toward future success. <br />91