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9.E.a <br />League Staff #1 <br />League of Arizona Cities & Towns Resolution <br />Research and pursue potential legislative approaches during the 2019 Legislative Session to <br />permit Tier 1 and Tier 2 members of the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS) to <br />make an irrevocable election to join the PSPRS Defined Contribution Plan established by Laws <br />2016, Chapter 2. <br />A. Purpose and Effect of Resolution <br />Laws 2016, Chapter 2 (SB1428) established a Tier 3 of pension participation and benefits for <br />PSPRS members hired on or after July 1, 2017. In addition to establishing Tier 3 for the Defined <br />Benefit (DB) plan, legislation also established a Defined Contribution (DC) plan for new <br />employees hired on or after July 1, 2017. Upon employment a new employee now has the option <br />to participate in either the DB or DC plan and, absent an election, will default into the DB plan. <br />A DB plan is an annuity in which the employer inherits the investment risk of the plan and failure <br />to meet assumed rates of return resulting in unfunded liabilities to the employer plan. A DC plan is <br />similar to a 401(k) in that the investment risk is inherited by the employee and, upon retirement, <br />the employee can withdraw funds in a lump sum or annuitize their benefits. There are no unfunded <br />liabilities in a DC plan. <br />Tier 1 and 2 members must meet certain periods of service requirements between 15 and 20 years <br />in order to become eligible for retirement benefits. However, many police and fire personnel are <br />hired in Arizona as their second career following service in the military, service in police or fire <br />employment in another state, or in other career paths. During the Pension Ad Hoc Committee <br />established by the Arizona House of Representatives, the committee heard testimony from police <br />and fire personnel indicating they wished they had the opportunity to join a DC plan and not be <br />bound by the years of service requirement for Tiers 1 and 2. <br />Current liabilities in the PSPRS Fund, as of 06/30/2017, amount to $15,578,700,116 with a total of <br />33,522 active, inactive, retired, disabled, and survivor members. Although liabilities vary by <br />individual, the average per -member liability totals $464,730. By permitting police and fire <br />personnel to make an irrevocable election to join the PSPRS DC plan two outcomes will result: 1) <br />for each member that joins the DC plan, the employer's plan liabilities will diminish and 2) it <br />provides employees a voluntary election they do not currently have to participate in a plan that <br />may more adequately suit their situation. <br />B. Relevance to Municipal Policy <br />Title 38, Chapter 5, Article 4 established PSPRS and its corresponding construct, including <br />membership. Of the 233 separate employer plans in PSPRS, 122 of the plans are municipal police <br />and fire plans. Potential alleviation of employer liabilities by permitting Tier 1 and 2 employees to <br />join the DC plan would permit municipalities to utilize those funds in a different way. <br />C. Fiscal Impact to Cities and Towns <br />While the fiscal impact is unknown because it is contingent upon each individual election, each <br />individual transitioning from the DB to DC plan will save hundreds of thousands of dollars. <br />Attachment: 2018 League Conference Resolutions Packet (2125 : League Resolutions Voting) <br />34 <br />Packet Pg. 170 <br />