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It .Ar. <br /> CITY(w PRESCOTT <br /> F,iery1:6416md°um COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO <br /> MEETING DATE/TYPES: VOTING SESSION 5-13-14 <br /> DEPARTMENT: City Clerk <br /> AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing and consideration of a Series 12, Restaurant, liquor <br /> license application from Vernon Rex Cullum, applicant for Tara, located at 115 South <br /> Cortez Street <br /> Approved By: Date: <br /> City Clerk: DeLong, Dana 105/0/J1/2014 <br /> City Manager: McConnell, Craig I-/1- <br /> Item Summary <br /> Vernon Rex Cullum has applied for a new Series 12 liquor license for Tara, located at 115 <br /> South Cortez Street. <br /> This Application <br /> A Liquor License Application, City No. 14-240, State No. 12133582 has been received <br /> from Vernon Rex Cullum, applicant for Tara, for a Series 12, Restaurant, license, located <br /> at 115 South Cortez Street. The application was properly posted for the State mandated <br /> 20 day period. No petitions or protests have been received during this period. The <br /> application has cleared Planning and Zoning and the City of Prescott Police <br /> Department. The applicant has been requested to attend the Council meeting to answer <br /> any questions Council may have. <br /> The completed application is on file in the City Clerk's Office. <br /> Public Hearing and Action Procedure <br /> The City Council's recommendation of approval, disapproval or no recommendation will <br /> be forwarded to the Department of Liquor Licenses and Control ("Department") for their <br /> consideration. If the City Council recommendation is for approval, no hearing is required <br /> unless the Director of the Department, the State Liquor Board ("Board"), or any aggrieved <br /> party, requests a hearing on the grounds that the public convenience and the best <br /> interest of the community will not be substantially served if a license is issued. If no <br />