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RESOLUTION NO. 4001-1031 <br />PAGE 6 <br />employees under his direction and control. Any remarks shall be addressed to the <br />Chair and to any or all members of the Council. No member of the staff or audience <br />shall enter into any discussion, either directly of indirectly, without first having <br />obtained the floor by permission of the presiding officer, <br />C. Citizens of the City and any other members of the public attending Council meetings <br />shall also observe the same rules of propriety, decorum and good conduct applicable <br />to members of the Council. Any person making personal, impertinent, and <br />slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council, or <br />while attending the Council meeting, shall be removed from the room if the Sergeant - <br />at -Arms is so directed by the presiding officer, and such person shall be barred from <br />further attendance at that particular Council meeting. Unauthorized remarks from the <br />audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yells, and similar demonstrations shall not be <br />permitted by the presiding officer, who shall direct the Sergeant -at -Arms to remove <br />such offenders from the room. <br />Should the presiding officer fail to act, any member of the Council may move to <br />require him to enforce the rules, and the affirmative vote of the majority of the <br />Council shall require the presiding officer the act. <br />Any member of the public desiring to address the Council must first be recognized by <br />the Chair, shall state his name AND CITY OF RESIDENCE in an <br />audible tone for the record, and shall limit his remarks to the to the question under <br />discussion. Any remarks shall be addressed to the Chair and to any members of the <br />Council. <br />RULE 7 <br />RIGHT OF APPEAL <br />Any Council member may appeal to the Council from a ruling of the presiding officer. If the <br />appeal is seconded, the member making the appeal may briefly state his reason for the same, <br />and the presiding officer may briefly explain his ruling, but there shall be no debate on the <br />appeal, and no other member shall participate in the discussion. The presiding officer shall then <br />put the question, "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" If the majority of the members <br />present vote "Aye", the ruling of the Chair is sustained, otherwise it is overruled. <br />RULE 8 <br />LIMITATION OF DEBATE <br />No member of the Council or public shall be allowed to speak more than once upon any one <br />subject until all the Council members have had an opportunity to speak. No member of the <br />Council or of the public shall be allowed to speak for a period longer than five minutes, without <br />the leave of the presiding officer. Citizens groups shall identify themselves and shall be <br />represented in presentation to the Council by one of the members of the group and cumulative <br />or redundant speeches to the Council on the same issue shall be terminated at the discretion of <br />the presiding officer. <br />