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Agenda Item: Approval of a contract with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for the 2012 Water <br /> Production and Distribution Model Update in an amount not to exceed $230,000.00. <br /> area, Zone 12. A water delivery strategy will be developed for this and future wells in <br /> this area in order to reduce transmission of water supplies from the Chino wells. <br /> Senate Bill 1525 became effective on December 31, 2011. This new legislation <br /> requires the update of existing land use assumptions and City Infrastructure <br /> Improvement Plan (aka CIP) for adoption of a new Impact Fee Ordinance by August 1, <br /> 2014. Impact fee zones will be developed which will identify properties that benefit from <br /> specific project/system improvements. Impact fee zones must demonstrate a <br /> connection between the CIP project and the demands of new growth identified in the <br /> General Plan. This element of the model update will form the building blocks for an <br /> upcoming impact fee analysis. <br /> The recommended contract will address fire protection, system efficiencies and energy <br /> use, emergency operations and redundancy evaluation, Zone 12 (2nd source to <br /> supplement the Primary system), CIP update and prioritization, future development <br /> planning north of the Airport, impact fee zones and training. Additionally, Carollo <br /> Engineers will make public presentations, provide an executive summary of the model <br /> update and an updated model report. <br /> Procurement of Engineering Services <br /> On December 22, 2011, the City received six (6) Statements of Qualification for this <br /> publicly advertised project. Pursuant to professional services selection procedures, <br /> staff ranked the individual firms based on their submittals. Interviews were conducted <br /> with the three highest ranked firms and Carollo Engineering emerged as the top ranked <br /> firm for the 2012 Potable Water System Model Update. The scope of services and fees <br /> were successfully negotiated and are attached. <br /> Project Schedule <br /> Commence July 30, 2012 <br /> Complete April 22, 2013 <br /> Budget <br /> FY13 funding is available for the Potable Water System Model Update project. (Budget <br /> Account No. 7007810-8930-11026) <br /> Attachments <br /> - Exhibit A - Scope of Work <br /> - Exhibit B - Fee Schedule <br /> - Exhibit C - Schedule of Work <br /> Recommended Action: MOVE to approve a contract with Carollo Engineers, Inc., for <br /> the 2012 Potable Water System Model Update in an amount not to exceed <br /> $230,000.00. <br /> 2 <br />