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EXHIBIT A <br /> City of Prescott <br /> 2012 Water Distribution System Model Update <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Task 2.0 Deliverable: A draft of the report section that presents results of the water system <br /> evaluations will be prepared following the workshop that addresses water system evaluations. <br /> Recommendations that result from the investigations in this task will consist of infrastructure and <br /> operating recommendations. The City will provide comments on the water system evaluations <br /> that will be incorporated into the draft report. A map of fire flow results will also be provided as a <br /> deliverable. <br /> TASK 3.0 WATER SYSTEM PLAN UPDATE <br /> 3.1 Capital Improvement Program <br /> Capital improvement projects will be identified and sized to address water system <br /> improvements that are identified from the water system evaluations in Task 2.0. <br /> Planning level cost estimates, time period, trigger, and impact fee zone will be <br /> developed for each project. Projects will also be classified according to their purpose: to <br /> serve new growth or to resolve a current deficiency. Where projects may serve new <br /> growth and address deficiencies, the percentage allocation and percentage of the cost <br /> will be established. Costs will be based on the assumption that pipes with insufficient <br /> capacity will be replaced with a larger pipe and not be paralleled with an additional pipe <br /> to provide the required capacity. <br /> Capital improvement project definitions will be organized in a format prescribed by the <br /> City to fit into the City's CIP program. These project definitions will include a justification <br /> and purpose, location map, cost, and construction time period and trigger that would <br /> indicate the need to start the project. CIP projects will also be organized in a <br /> spreadsheet format that the City can use after the project is completed to shift the timing <br /> of projects in the future as growth and other conditions change in ways that are not <br /> anticipated at the time that this project is being completed. The CIP will be based on a <br /> 20 year buildout with five year interim planning periods. <br /> 3.2 Impact Fee Service Areas <br /> The City will be divided into impact fee zones that can be used to identify the specific <br /> infrastructure needed to serve each impact fee zone so that the costs of constructing <br /> new infrastructure can be allocated to the customers that will benefit from this <br /> infrastructure. Capital improvements will then be associated with the zone or zones that <br /> benefit from these improvements. Capital improvement projects will then be organized <br /> according to impact fee zones. A map or maps are required to demonstrate the impact <br /> fee areas and will be included in the deliverables. Maps will be developed to show <br /> specific projects. A workflow procedure shall be developed will be developed to integrate <br /> future or unknown projects. <br /> h:\bd_phx\prescott\water model update\prescott water model update project 06192012.docx 7 <br />