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EXHIBIT A <br /> City of Prescott <br /> 2012 Water Distribution System Model Update <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Impact fee zones must demonstrate a connection between the capital improvement <br /> project and the demands of new growth identified in the General Plan. Project cost <br /> estimates, at a planning level, will be proportionally split based on infrastructure, new or <br /> upsizing, attributed to a new development. The proportional split shall be evaluated on <br /> total capacity, current usage, and commitments for usage of capacity of existing <br /> infrastructure. Any additional capacity due to growth shall have a tabular presentation <br /> including additional capacity per service unit (e.g. gpcd), ratio of service unit to land type <br /> (residential, commercial, industrial), total number of service units attributable to new <br /> development. <br /> 3.3 Capital Improvement Plan Maps <br /> Capital improvement projects will be organized and grouped on maps to be provided in <br /> the report that shows groupings of projects that comprise an overall capital improvement <br /> program for specific parts of the water distribution system. <br /> Task 3 Deliverable: The deliverable for task 3 will be draft report sections and appendixes that <br /> show the capital improvement program and individual capital improvement projects. This report <br /> section will show maps of the existing system as well as maps of the CIP projects. <br /> TASK 4.0 Project Administration and Deliverables <br /> 4.1 Model Training <br /> Training on the hydraulic model and its use will be provided for up to six people from the <br /> City. Training is expected to take two days. Software licenses for the training will be the <br /> City's license plus licenses that may be checked out and used on Carollo computers. <br /> A model users guide will be prepared that documents some of the more common tasks <br /> that City staff will need to undertake using the model. The City and Carollo will work <br /> together to determine the tasks included in the users guide. A draft of this users guide <br /> will be utilized during the training course and then finalized after the training is <br /> completed. The users guide will be provided to the City in an editable electronic format. <br /> Operating procedures will be developed to protect the base model with multiple users. <br /> 4.2 Progress Meetings and Workshops <br /> Progress meetings are planned monthly. Progress meetings may coincide with <br /> workshops that are scheduled to address specific project issues. Four workshops are <br /> planned to address topics where input from City stakeholders is critical. The major topics <br /> to be addressed at each workshop are: <br /> • Water Demand Projections <br /> • Water System Evaluations <br /> • Capital Improvement Projects <br /> h:\bd_phx\prescott\water model update\prescott water model update project 06192012.docx 8 <br />