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Prescott City council <br /> Regular Voting Meeting — June 25, 2013 Page 5 <br /> increased in the last four years. Staff requests a 5 percent increase in the rates charged <br /> for the City operated hangars and covered and open tie-downs, which will generate <br /> approximately $30,000.00 additional revenue for the Airport Operating Budget. They <br /> would also like to increase storage rates located at the end of the hangars to bring the <br /> square footage rates up to those being charged for City hangars at $.27 per square foot. <br /> That will generate $19,000.00 for the operating budget. The Civil Air Patrol requested <br /> rent relief for the hangar they use. He also noted that rental contracts used by the City <br /> do not specify amounts of insurance customers must carry. Staff is working on updates <br /> to those documents with the Legal and Risk Departments. <br /> Councilman Kuknyo reported he went to the airport users meeting and felt that users <br /> were fine with the rates and they respect that the airport is becoming a more <br /> professional operation. <br /> A representative from the Civil Air Patrol described the organization and said they <br /> maintain an alert crew at all times for Arizona and other states. <br /> COUNCILMAN KUKNYO MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 4178-1340; <br /> SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN LAMERSON; PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. <br /> COUNCILMAN KUYNYO MOVED TO PROVIDE THE AIRCRAFT STORAGE <br /> HANGAR PRESENTLY OCCUPIED BY THE CIVIL AIR PATROL AT A NOMINAL <br /> iL RATE OF $1.00 PER YEAR FOR THE TWO YEAR PERIOD THROUGH JUNE 30, <br /> Atte 2015; SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ARNOLD; PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. <br /> F. Adoption of Resolution No. 4180-1342 approving Joint Project Agreement (JPA) <br /> No. 13-120 with the Arizona Department of Transportation for Airport Surface <br /> Treatment Program on Taxiways C, E, F and B5. <br /> Jeff Tripp, Airport Manager, presented and said the preliminary cost is about <br /> $608,000.00. The state designed the product and will oversee the project. 90 percent of <br /> the project will be funded by the State Aviation Fund and the City has a 10 percent <br /> match. The product will provide a one inch overlay on Taxiway C, and a portion of E, F, <br /> and B5. <br /> Councilman Blair asked how long the product will last. Mr. Tripp replied that with proper <br /> maintenance, the pavement preservation will last 20 — 30 years. <br /> Councilman Arnold asked who is responsible for administrating, overseeing the bid <br /> process, and the construction aspect of the project. Mr. Tripp said the State of Arizona, <br /> through the Arizona Department of Transportation. <br /> Councilman Lamerson said this is an Intergovernmental Agreement and the state is <br /> investing in the airport. If the Federal Aviation Authority and the state did not make the <br /> investments we would have been in trouble in light of the Doce fire. <br />