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M1 <br />COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO - JULY 23, 2013 <br />DEPARTMENT: City Clerk <br />AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing and consideration of a liquor license application <br />from Jamey Richard Mauk, applicant, for a Series 12, Restaurant, license, for Cuppers <br />Coffee Bistro located at 258 Lee Boulevard, Building C-2 <br />Approved By: Date: <br />Department Head: Lynn Mulhall <br />7-/0-13 <br />Citv Manager: Craig McConnell <br />Item Summary <br />Jamey Richard Mauk has applied for a new Series 12 liquor license for a Cuppers <br />Coffee Bistro to be located at 258 Lee Boulevard, Building C-2. <br />This Application <br />A Liquor License Application, City No. 13-2219, State No.12133551, has been received <br />from Jamey Richard Mauk, applicant for Cuppers Coffee Bistro, for a Series 12, <br />Restaurant, license, located at 258 Lee Boulevard, Building C-2. The application was <br />properly posted for the State mandated 20 day period. No petitions or protests have <br />been received during this period. The application has cleared Planning and Zoning and <br />the City of Prescott Police Department. The applicant has been requested to attend the <br />Council meeting to respond to any questions Council may have. <br />The completed application is on file in the City Clerk's Office. <br />Public Hearing and Action Procedure <br />The City Council's recommendation of approval, disapproval, or no recommendation will <br />be forwarded to the Department of Liquor Licenses and Control ("Department") for their <br />consideration. If the City Council recommendation is for approval, no hearing is required <br />unless the Director of the Department, the State Liquor Board ("Board"), or any <br />aggrieved party, requests a hearing on the grounds that the public convenience and the <br />best interest of the community will not be substantially served if a license is issued. If <br />no hearing is requested, the Director may approve the license. If the City Council <br />recommendation is for disapproval of an application, a statement of the specific reasons <br />along with a summary of the testimony or other evidence supporting the <br />recommendation for disapproval is required to be attached to the order of disapproval <br />and submitted to the Director, after which a public hearing will be held. <br />If the City Council makes no recommendation, the Director may cancel the hearing and <br />issue the license unless the Board or any aggrieved party protests and requests a <br />hearing. If the reason for the protest is clearly removed or deemed satisfied by the <br />