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Prescott City Council Regular Voting Meeting—August 29,2006 Page 12 <br /> Councilman Roecker asked Mr. Spencer if the speed limit was 25 mph <br /> and Mr. Spencer replied it was. He said there were apartment units at <br /> Devereaux and Eastwood and more were being planned and this caused <br /> more traffic problems in the area. <br /> Jeff Carmon,714 City Lights— <br /> • This was not a retirement community and he asked Council to <br /> picture the area at 7:30 in the morning as people tried to go to <br /> work. Cars would be lined up at the intersection at Nathan Lane. <br /> • Nathan Lane had a steep hill in the middle. <br /> • The safety issues were enormous; the traffic issues were <br /> enormous and more homes shouldn't be put in. <br /> Mayor Simmons asked if there was anyone in the audience who wanted <br /> to say something positive about the project. <br /> Carl Whitted, 730 John Drive- had a head-on collision several years ago <br /> because the roadways were narrow in this area. <br /> Cynthia Marroquin,546 Broadview Drive,Quail Hollow Subdivision— <br /> • Surprised Mr. Reuillard knew how bad traffic was when he didn't <br /> live there yet. <br /> • Half-acre to three-quarter acre lots were not dense. <br /> • Roads were in poor shape <br /> • Tenney's were being punished for being the last to develop. <br /> • Their subdivision(Quail Hollow)had no open space. <br /> • Would only be an extra 40-50 cars a day. <br /> • Project was conducive to the environment; the blind corner had <br /> been addressed; had fixed the cul-de-sac. <br /> • There would be a little more traffic on City Lights. <br /> • Adding a few more lots wouldn't make a big difference. <br /> Cynthia Marroquin added she was asked to speak for Randy and <br /> Jennifer Nieffenegger, 601 MacDonald Street,who couldn't attend today's <br /> meeting and they were in support of this project. <br /> John Reynolds,630 David Drive— <br /> • Opposed the proposed subdivision. <br /> • Penn Avenue and Eastwood Drive were in poor condition. <br /> • Supported those who opposed this project. <br /> khr <br />