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Prescott City Council Study Session—September 19,2006 Page 3 <br /> Councilman Luzius concluded saying he had problems with this vehicle <br /> running on city streets, such as Mount Vernon Avenue, and didn't think it <br /> was a good idea. <br /> Councilman Bell remarked he was in favor of tourism, had spent some <br /> time in Branson and was familiar with the DUKW; but he had trouble <br /> imagining this duck in a small pond like Watson Lake and he had trouble <br /> supporting the idea. <br /> Mayor Simmons asked if the big tires distributed the weight and <br /> Mr. McCasland responded he didn't know about displacement of weight. <br /> Mayor Simmons concluded today was the Study Session and a vote <br /> would be taken next week and the decision would be made to allow it or <br /> not, but it looked like a good project. <br /> B. Approve contract with Logan Simpson Design, Inc. in an <br /> amount not to exceed $170,000.00 for the preparation of the <br /> City of Prescott Parks and Recreation Master Plan. <br /> Recreation Services Director Jim McCasland explained the current Parks <br /> Master Plan was adopted in 1987 and the Council made a new updated <br /> plan a priority for this year; staff advertised for Statements of <br /> Qualifications and selected and interviewed three firms and chose Logan <br /> Simpson Design, Inc. of Tempe, AZ, to prepare the new plan; the <br /> consultant would put in between 1,700 and 1,800 hours which would <br /> include at least 11 public meetings and workshops to take public and <br /> special interest group input; conduct a needs assessment survey; look at <br /> the existing park and recreation facilities; benchmark the current parks <br /> and recreation system;develop facility standards; prepare conceptual plan <br /> alternatives; prepare funding and partnership options; prepare a 5-year <br /> Capital Improvement Project schedule; and prepare a draft and final <br /> master plan document; the consultant would work with the Planning and <br /> Zoning Commission and City Council and the Parks, Recreation and <br /> Library Advisory Committee; and staff was recommending award of a <br /> contract to Logan Simpson Design in an amount not to exceed <br /> $170,000.00. <br /> Councilman Blair commented the staff report didn't include a breakdown <br /> of bids of the three bidders and Mr. McCasland responded it was a <br /> professional service and from the five Statements of Qualifications <br /> received, three firms were chosen to interview and the top firm was <br /> chosen,then staff could negotiate the services and price. <br /> Councilman Blair remarked it was wrong to expect a community to select <br /> a firm based on experience, then negotiate the contract and price and a <br />