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MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> ON UNSEWERED AREAS <br /> COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION <br /> November 4, 2008 <br /> The Honorable Mayor and City Council <br /> On behalf of the members of the "Mayor's Advisory Committee on Unsewered <br /> Areas", please accept this report as our final recommendation. <br /> We want to thank you for your confidence in our ability to review the problems <br /> and develop suggested solutions that are acceptable to both our citizens and <br /> the City government. <br /> This report is the result of several committee meetings, extensive <br /> communication with City of Prescott staff members Craig McConnell, Connie <br /> Tucker, Jim Ciaffoni, City Manager Steve Norwood, Councilwoman Lora Lopas, <br /> and the excellent support of Teresa Ogle. Also, separate discussions were held <br /> between the City staff and Yavapai County representatives Ken Spedding, Geoff <br /> Meek, and Suzanne Ehrlich, and Michael Byrd of Prescott Creeks Preservation <br /> Association. <br /> As our members started exploring the facts concerning our committee's charge, <br /> it became evident that there are deep-seated feelings in our community <br /> regarding promises made decades ago. Many citizens in the North Prescott <br /> areas remember representatives of the City, in an effort to promote annexation <br /> of their neighborhoods, indicating sewers would be installed sometime in the <br /> future. They believed this would be at City expense. Apparently, there were no <br /> written agreements to support these representations, but we can assume they <br /> are factual and were made in good faith. <br /> In the interest of doing "what is right" for our citizens, this and future Councils <br /> should give consideration to these statements which were interpreted as <br /> commitments in the event future economic conditions allow sewer main <br /> development in the neighborhoods. <br /> In early conversations with Finance Director Mark Woodfill, we discussed the <br /> possibility of thinking "outside the box" with respect to formulating a financing <br /> plan to address unsewered areas. Any way we sliced it, the dollars were too <br /> high, and the timeframe too long, to ask our citizens to fund. <br />