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Agenda Item: GP08-004 Major General Plan Amendment <br /> abutting existing zoning districts that a buffer area of like densities be created adjacent <br /> to them to provide a transition to other higher densities within the GPA area.The State <br /> mandate for Growing Smarter cannot downgrade the current base zoning that would be <br /> in the County and accepted into the city. However,the existing county zoning provides <br /> the two acre parcels and therefore does not appear to create any issue in regard to <br /> allowing similar districts adjacent to the existing as a buffer. Any loss in density in these <br /> areas could potentially be handled by a density transfer within the development area. <br /> 3. Open space and trail systems are also issues that have not been identified which are of <br /> concern both to me and the community which need to be addressed in some manner at <br /> this point. Having heard the comments of various individuals on the Commission the <br /> thoughts concerning open space and trails are divergent from a no need for it and not <br /> considering this to it needs to be included. It is understood that the base densities <br /> cannot be downgraded. However,the preservation of the character of the area <br /> warrants that this is addressed at this time in some manner.The GPA based on current <br /> regulations does not allow the indication on the plan itself of open space and trails that <br /> would impact the base densities of the indicated use areas.There is a need however to <br /> address the open space to guarantee that it becomes part of the guiding principles of <br /> development in this area for future consideration.This could be included in the text of a <br /> narrative portion of the GPA as Guiding Principles defining the need for these items to <br /> be incorporated in development design to be provided for in the following steps of the <br /> development approvals as these move forward: <br /> a. Preliminary studies, <br /> b. annexation, <br /> c. rezoning, <br /> d. specific plan, <br /> e. tentative plat/preliminary plat, <br /> f. final site plan and <br /> g. final plat <br /> 4. The GPA should also indicate and identify the location of public lands such as the golf <br /> course, public parks and recreation areas in and around the GPA to identify open space <br /> and trail opportunities.The intent of the open space can be provided for in the text of <br /> the amendment indicating that the character of the area shall be preserved to the <br /> extent possible to protect significant natural features such as washes and drainage <br /> courses,significant rock out cropping,significant wild life habitat and view corridors <br /> providing for public trails and connectivity through the development area that connect <br /> other public lands. <br /> 5. It is understood that the appropriate studies such as transportation/traffic impact and <br /> infrastructure for water and sewer would be forthcoming upon approval of the GPA as <br /> the next step in the process. It is also strongly recommended that a study of an open <br /> space and trail system be incorporated in these studies to identify in a regional manner <br /> the opportunities that would need to be included in the site specific plans to guarantee <br /> that this issue will be addressed.The issue of required and master planned open space <br /> percentages per development zoning district could be defined to provide cohesiveness <br /> in the overall plan.The impacts of open space vs. developable area and densities could <br /> 14 <br />