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Prescott City Council <br /> Regular Voting Meeting — October 28, 2008 Page 21 <br /> SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ROECKER; PASSED 4 — 3 WITH MAYOR <br /> WILSON, COUNCILWOMAN LOPAS AND COUNCILMAN LUZIUS <br /> CASTING THE DISSENTING VOTES. <br /> Councilwoman Suttles said that they have not raised those fees in 17 years <br /> (sewer). The six months that they are allowing for a change to get in to begin <br /> building, will not make or break them. Mr. McConnell said that was correct. <br /> Mayor Wilson said to Mr. Hudder in recognition of his suggestion to form a <br /> committee, he would like to impose upon him to round up a crew of <br /> contractors and citizen representatives in terms of a blue ribbon panel, to be <br /> brought back to him and he would bring it to Council. Mr. Hudder said that <br /> he appreciated the challenge and would do that. Mr. Mechanic said that he <br /> did not think it was fair for the contractors to control the committee. <br /> 1 <br /> 1. Approval of contract with Jim Simmons for legal services in Brogdon v. City <br /> of Prescott in the amount of$50,000.00. <br /> Mr. Kidd said that this item is a request for a legal services contract with Jim <br /> Simmons in the Brogdon v. City of Prescott. The trial is set for November 4 <br /> and November 14, 2008; there are seven medical experts and extra <br /> witnesses being involved. There are substantial numbers of medical records. <br /> Mr. Simmons is a certified personal injury specialist with considerable <br /> experience in these kinds of cases. <br /> Mr. Kidd said that normally they would present the item in an Executive <br /> Session and then come out and take action, but due to the current situation <br /> with Executive Sessions, with timing, and the nature of today's meeting, they <br /> requested that it be brought forward. <br /> COUNCILMAN ROECKER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONTRACT WITH <br /> JIM SIMMONS FOR LEGAL SERVICES IN BROGDON V. CITY OF <br /> PRESCOTT IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000;00; SECONDED BY MAYOR <br /> WILSON; PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. <br /> J. Recess into Executive Session. <br /> COUNCILWOMAN SUTTLES MOVED TO RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE <br /> SESSION; SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ROECKER; PASSED <br /> UNANIMOUSLY. <br /> The Prescott City Council recessed the meeting at 5:40 p.m. <br />