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ATTACHMENT A City of Prescott,AZ <br /> Development of Impact Fees Infrastructure Improvement Plan ,,,,, PRE S OlT' A-3 <br /> and Associated Documents&Analysis and Development Of:'Drily Rates <br /> development that are included in the development impact (EDU)equal to one single-family detached dwelling unit <br /> fee for the same category. with equivalency ratios to other development types such <br /> Offsets will be developed for growth-related as residential, multi-family(where appropriate), <br /> improvements anticipated to be funded through tax-based commercial and industrial developed in Task 1. <br /> revenues generated from new development. <br /> Task 9 - Conduct Funding Cash Flow <br /> We will work with City Staff to: Analysis <br /> Evaluate offsets for growth-related revenue such as A cash flow analysis for each fee category will be <br /> excess transaction privilege tax(TPT)tax, and other finalized incorporating debt funding,estimates for <br /> growth-related revenue used towards growth-related development impact fee revenues and development <br /> capital projects will be taken into consideration for the impact fee credits and offsets, estimated costs for <br /> calculations for the ten-year study period. anticipated growth-related projects,and repayment of <br /> existing and future growth-related debt. If potential cash <br /> Incorporate City summary of existing development short falls are identified,we will work with City Staff to <br /> agreements that includes contributed facilities subject adjust financing assumptions or incorporate alternative <br /> to future development impact fee credits or funding sources. The adjusted funding sources may <br /> reimbursement. affect credits developed in Task 8 requiring modifications <br /> to the maximum supportable fee. <br /> Task Discuss Preliminary Task 10 - Utility ate Update <br /> Methodologies & Policy Options <br /> Based on the review of key data,discussion with City As we are working with City Staff to review and update <br /> development impact fees,we will also complete an <br /> Staff and subsequent evaluations the Red Oak Team will <br /> update of the City's water and wastewater utilities. <br /> summarize current service level standards and existing <br /> and projected capacity requirements by fee category and We will employ a six-step approach to develop annual <br /> service area in a technical memorandum.We will develop utility revenue requirements and complete separate class <br /> a separate summary of facility cost estimates and growth- cost-of service analyses, completing the following <br /> related projects to be used in the development impact fee activities: <br /> analysis. The Red Oak Team will recommend the Projected water and sewer demands and review of <br /> development impact fee methodology and approach by <br /> fee category as the basis for calculations in Task 8. current customer class designations. <br /> Budgeted and historical water and sewer O&M and <br /> Task 7 - Prepare IIP capital costs including allocated fleet replacement <br /> In this task we will prepare the IIP by fee category costs. <br /> summarizing the evaluations and recommendations in Identify non-growth related capital costs to be funded <br /> compliance with the requirements of ARS§9-463.05. The through user charges separating the growth-related <br /> land use assumption, service level evaluations and capital project expenses evaluated in Task 4. <br /> additional IIP components will be incorporated in the <br /> calculated development impact fees and finalized in the Develop a ten-year cash flow analysis for projected <br /> draft and final reports completed in Task 11. annual water and wastewater expenses and <br /> revenues.Adjustments to user charges and <br /> Task Complete Development Fee alternative funding sources will be evaluated during <br /> Methodology alcul tions this task. <br /> We will calculate development impact fees based on the Water and sewer class cost-of-service analysis. <br /> recommended approach per fee category and service <br /> area in compliance with ARS§9-463.05. Fees by A survey of up to five(5)water and wastewater user <br /> category and/or service area will be finalized based on fees,funding mechanisms and alternative revenue <br /> level of service standards per equivalent dwelling unit programs will be developed. <br /> eaa�star • ' RED i)N 1 l E <br /> 0u ' Pathways to Lasting Solutions ARCAD <br />