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Prescott City Council <br /> Regular Voting Meeting — October 28, 2008 Page 15 <br /> months, if the growth-related projects would also pushed back an equal <br /> amount of time. She is still not sure whether those would be pushed back. <br /> Mr. McConnell said that it is cause and effect. If the effective date is not <br /> there, or pushed out and the money was not there, then there would be an <br /> effect. That is about the only response they can give because there are a lot <br /> of unknowns—how many building permits will come in, what is the specific <br /> status of a number of projects which comprise the capital plan, etc. The best <br /> response is ageneral response, and to consider a six-month window he <br /> p p <br />{ could not say would have a dramatic effect. It will have an effect, but not a <br /> dramatic one. <br /> Ms. Hoy asked if the growth-associated projects were not pushed back, how <br /> they would be paid for in the interim and who foots the bill. Mayor Wilson <br /> said that was answered earlier—by the ratepayers and they are paid back. <br /> Ms. Hoy asked them to elaborate on how the ratepayers are paid back. <br /> Mayor Wilson said that the funds are borrowed between funds. Ms. Hoy <br /> asked if there is interest paid; Mayor Wilson replied that they did not. <br /> Ms. Hoy said that from reviewing Mr. Jackson's study and being privy to all <br /> the questioned asked by the YCCA, she understands that Prescott's share <br /> of the cost of the Big Chino Pipeline are covered in the study and the <br /> ratepayers are already paying 20%, for which they don't have a choice. She <br /> asked if Prescott's 54% share of the $144,000 that she read about in <br /> Sunday's paper is being spent without a Council vote for the PR firm to sell <br /> the citizens on the Big Chino project, are included in the approximately <br /> $80,000 for the Big Chino to be paid by impact fees. Mayor Wilson replied <br /> that they were not. Ms. Hoy asked where that money was coming from. <br /> Mayor Wilson said that he would have to get back to her on that. <br /> Ms. Hoy said that the whole process of approving the impact fees does <br /> appear to be broken. She does not know what the answer is, but if they <br /> would pass the impact fees then maybe it would be good to form some kind <br /> of committee to examine the process and try to come up with something <br /> better because otherwise it goes on year after year. <br /> Ms. Hoy said that when she called Councilwoman Suttles on her show this <br /> morning, she implied that because many of the CWAG Board Members are <br /> retired, they are not qualified to speak. She wanted to point out that Mayor <br /> Wilson, Councilman Luzius and Councilwoman Suttles are retired and <br /> Councilman Bell is older than everyone on the CWAG Board. <br /> Bill Kindig, 4866 Comanche Trail, said that when this first started he <br /> reviewed the report presented and he thought it was a good job, but after <br /> sharing all the things that have been going on, and the questions raised, he <br />